Icon of gardening pruner or shears


We seek volunteers for semiannual Volunteer Days and for our weekly Weed Warrior group.

Volunteer Days

FOBFNP holds several volunteer days each year. Watch this site for the announcement of the next volunteer day, or send an email to fobfrsvp@gmail.com to be notified of volunteer day events.

Volunteers undertake a variety of tasks such as hauling and spreading woodchips, invasive plant removal, and picking up trash.

If your organization is interested in a community service event at BFNP, we would love to have you come. Contact fobfrsvp@gmail.com and we can talk about potential dates and activities.

Weed Warriors

In Florida, volunteer groups remove invasive Burmese pythons from the Everglades. At BFNP we remove invasive Asian wisteria. This vine was 29.5 feet long.

Mondays from 9-11am, this hearty team of dedicated volunteers meets at the park to work on invasive removal and habitat restoration along with discovering and sharing park treasures. Look for us in areas of the park that need timely attention.

Interested in joining us?  Send an email to fobfrsvp@gmail.com  to get on the list for notification of plans and meeting places each week.

Porcelain berry vine

Weed Warriors take on many projects in the park, including this one on a fall morning: The terribly invasive porcelain berry vine had grown up along the fence along Bandy Road in the southeast part of the park. The Weed Warriors chose that as the project of the day and cleared nearly all the porcelain berry vine.


Diptych of invasive porcelain berry vine
Diptych of area cleaned from invasive vines
